Yi Gin Chen had beehives packed into the backyard -- about 45 hives in total, said Andrew Cote, president of the New York City Beekeepers Association. Cote said Chen, a beekeeper in his native China, had contacted the beekeepers' association earlier in the month for help with the bees because he was trying to sell his Corona, Queens, home.
Anthony Planakis, who heads bee control for the NYPD, told The New York Post of Chen's home, 'Picture 45 dogs in one apartment. It’s cruelty to the bees.'
New York City has ramped up its bee-control efforts recently. Earlier this month, Planakis -- who has been fighting stingers since 1995 -- was promoted from officer to detective by NYPD Commissioner Ray Kelley, and granted a 'bee-mobile' and other equipment, The New York Post reported."
3 million bees seized from Queens, N.Y., man's home
By Elizabeth Chuck
I like this Yi Gin Chen character. The NYPD, on the other hand, should stay out of the beekeeping business. Cops arrest bad guys, beekeepers handle bees.