Thank you, sir , for contacting me. You're a little ways out of my territory, as far as driving distance goes. The best I can do is give some advice.
I don't know how bothersome these bees are to you. There's a high probability that they will die over the winter, which isn't too far away now. The easiest thing to do is nothing.
However, if you really want them gone now, you may be able to find a willing beekeeper in your area at If you search under "Swarm Removal", they have a list of beekeepers in Michigan that remove bees and where they are located.
Finally, if the insects are not honey bees, but rather some other sort of stinging, flying insect (wasp, hornet, yellowjacket), I would recommend killing them yourself. This involves taking a can of Raid Wasp/Hornet Killer (or its equivalent), going out to the tree shortly after dusk on a cool evening, and spraying the can in the tree very liberally. Leave quickly, and you may avoid getting stung.
I hope this helps in some way.
Billy Craig