I have a daycare out of my home... and we have a bee problem in the front yard that's getting pretty bad. There seems to be multiple holes in the ground that they are coming from but I can't even get close enough to really assess the situation. Do you have any suggestions on how to deal with this? Last night I poured boiling water down what I thought were the two main holes, but this morning they're still there."
Hi Grant,
It sounds like yellow-jackets to me. They usually live in the ground. Boiling water would only kill the few insects that contacted it.
A can of Raid Hornet and Wasp Killer sprayed in the hole just after dark may do the trick. I think they may also have some smoke bomb-type things that you could drop in the hole after dark. The main thing is to do it after dark when all the bugs are at home and not flying around. Plus, these colder nights make them less active, so you're less likely to be stung in the process. They will still come after you though, so be quick and careful.
Multiple entrances may mean multiple nests, so you may have to get each one individually.
Good luck with it. Let me know if you need more help.
-Billy, The Bees' Knees Bee Removal Services