"Honeybees are dying off, and scientists aren't entirely sure why. Since we depend on the bees to pollinate our crops, their disappearance could be catastrophic, exacerbating a worsening food crisis. Researchers at Canada's University of Manitoba are trying to help by creating super-bees that can survive conditions normal bees can't.
So how exactly does one create a super-bee?
First, the researchers are collecting queen bees from hives that have proven exceptionally resistant to mites. The queens taken from these hives are then placed in new hives, exposing them to even more 'disease pressure.' The theory is that each generation of survivors will be hardier than the last."
Can 'super-bees' solve the world's food crisis?
I guess they've yet to hear about natural selection. Just wait until these scientists find out that nature has been using this method for quite some time. Maybe artificial insemination isn't the way to go after all.